The Big One
But all the storms we've had have been paltry little things dumping no more than 10-15 cm of snow at a time. We haven't had a truly big, pull-out-all-the-stops snowfall, a blizzard of epic proportions where everything is shut down and nobody bothers going outside.
Well, not until last night. We got some snow Sunday night, with lots more predicted for Monday night, and by suppertime Monday it was coming down in full force with howling winds behind it. The storm continued unabated throughout the night and this morning, with the total snowfall since Sunday totalling about 50 cm.
Needless to say we spent most of the day lazing about indoors. Christopher is feeling better, so the snowday worked out well for him -- an additional day at home to recover without having to miss another day of school (or work, for either parent). Jason has been bravely attacking the snow with shovel in hand for the last few hours (see picture above) although it's still not all gone.
I'm sure my fellow Newfoundlanders will have their own battle stories to tell and pictures to post. As for those of you living in warmer climes ... think of us and smile.
This is selfish of me, but thanks for posting that picture. It sure made me thankful to live in AB!!! Our snow doesn't look like much any more. It's all relative, I guess. You have such a good attitude about it all! Newfoundlanders are amazing people!
Glad you had a good Snow Day and that Chris is feeling better. My prayers are with Jason's back! :)
Lori M
It's OK Lori, I spent one winter in AB and could not STAND the cold ... so I guess we each get what we can tolerate. Much as the snow makes life inconvenient it's still better (for me) than needing to plug in my car at night!!
Seventy degrees and sunny here today in Tenn. with the same predicted for several days. Daffodils are in bloom and the spring peepers seem to think it's spring. I know, you don't want to hear it.
Of course we get paid back in the summer when every day is as hot as the hinges of Hell (your father's simile).
You know what, Aunt Ruth? You're right -- I don't want to hear it!! But I'm glad you have nice weather down there. I'll think of the balmy sea breezes of July at Coley's Point and hold on to the belief that I am living in the best of all possible worlds.
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